PM Modi’s Ukraine Visit: Masterstroke or Fiasco?

PM Modi’s likely visit to Ukraine has taken the world by surprise. It has the potential to change the Global geopolitics significantly. So, what has happened suddenly? What changed? Why? Why now? and with answers to the above, some crystal ball gazing on what to expect. The current global geopolitical situation begs for the Ukraine […]

Agnipath scheme: Review TWO YEARS post implementation

Commander Sudarshan Chakrapani “ChaxSimplifies” seeks to present complex present day issues into simple, easy to understand episodes. ChaxSimplifies interviews Lt Gen GL Bakshi (Retd), DG Infantry to review the scheme and the way forward. Agnipath scheme was introduced on 22 Jun 2022. It’s perhaps, the most misunderstood scheme introduced by the Government of India in […]