
Don’t miss your chance to experience these cutting-edge technologies firsthand. Register now and secure your spot at the epicentre of security evolution!

Dive into the forefront of security innovation!

From quantum encryption to AI-powered defences, discover the latest breakthroughs shaping India’s security landscape—all at SAFE West 2024!

Don’t miss your chance to experience these cutting-edge technologies firsthand. Register now and secure your spot at the epicentre of security evolution!

SAFE West will be held between 09-11 May 2024 at Hall 2, Bombay Exhibition Centre, Mumbai.

Don’t miss your chance to experience these cutting-edge technologies firsthand. Register now and secure your spot at the epicentre of security evolution!

Indian School of Public Policy (ISPP) on

Don’t miss your chance to experience these cutting-edge technologies firsthand. Register now and secure your spot at the epicentre of security evolution!

Indian Navy’s capture of pirate ship showcases

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