
Prof. Akshat Mehta, #spsss, #nfsu, Gandhinagar, Gujarat Interacts with Young Inquisitive Legal Minds on new criminal laws.

Interaction with Young Inquisitive Legal Minds – What an Experience! Thank You #ShooliniUniversity for inviting me to share my thoughts on how #NewCriminalLaws are much needed steps toward Strengthening #CriminaljusticeAdministration. I apprised the participants on how #nfsu as an Institution of National Importance, working under the #mha is contributing to this transformation. Participants were happy to know that #nfsu has a School of Police Science and Security Studies #spsss, which I represent and it caters to domains of #policeadministration#homelandsecurity#corporatesecurity#privatesecurity among others. The visit provided me with an opportunity to meet the visionary Prof. P. K. Khosla – Chancellor of the University – What a Man and What Humility! The interaction with colleagues from Faculty of Legal Sciences led by Prof. Nandan Sharma – and the warm hospitality extended – left an indelible impression on me. A Big Thank You and Regards – Prof. Akshat Mehta, #spsss#nfsu, Gandhinagar, Gujarat

Prof. Akshat Mehta, #spsss, #nfsu, Gandhinagar, Gujarat Interacts with Young Inquisitive Legal Minds on new criminal laws.

Col Kanwal Kishore, SM, CPP®, CBCP®, CSP®

Prof. Akshat Mehta, #spsss, #nfsu, Gandhinagar, Gujarat Interacts with Young Inquisitive Legal Minds on new criminal laws.

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